Deresaw InfoTech

Effective Ways of Using Social Media

- Apps -
December 25, 2022

Social media can be a good tool for staying connected with friends and family, staying informed about current events, and sharing and discovering new content. However, it can also have negative effects if it is not used wisely and mindfully. Some potential negative effects of social media include: Addiction: It can be easy to get caught up in the endless scroll of social media, leading to excessive use and.


Tech - February 7, 2023

What are Super Apps and their Future?

Today, in the year 2023,
Enviroment - January 11, 2023

Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lens

Mojo Vision is a technology
Apps - January 4, 2023

NINE Things to Consider When Buying a New…

Atablet is a portable device
Future - January 3, 2023

Why I should buy Android Phones instead of…

There are several reasons why
Future - January 3, 2023

What is Social Trading

Social trading is a type
Ecology - January 3, 2023

Smart Homes for Smart People: A complete Guide

Who would have guessed that
Deresaw InfoTech
6 mins
Factory farming is a type of animal agriculture that involves the
Deresaw InfoTech
15 mins
Mobile apps can be a useful tool for people with diabetes
10 mins
Deresaw InfoTech
- Tech - February 7, 2023

What are Super Apps and their Future?

Today, in the year 2023, we are seeing a massive increase in the number of mobile apps available.
3 mins
Deresaw InfoTech
- Enviroment - January 11, 2023

Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lens

Mojo Vision is a technology company that has developed a smart contact lens, it's called the "Mojo Lens."


Deresaw InfoTech

Why I should buy Android Phones instead of IPhone?

- Future -
January 3, 2023

There are several reasons why some people prefer to buy Android phones over iPhones. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Cost: Android phones are available at a wide range of price points, from budget-friendly options to high-end flagship devices. This allows consumers to choose a phone that fits their budget and their needs. In comparison, iPhones.
    1. Cost: Android phones are available at a wide range of price points, from budget-friendly options to high-end flagship devices. This allows consumers to choose a phone that fits their budget and their needs. In comparison, iPhones.


Auto Call Answering Apps for Android

Auto call answering is a feature that allows a phone to
- December 20, 2022

The World’s Biggest Solar Projects

Solar energy projects are initiatives that harness the power of the
- December 11, 2022

Protein Engineering May Be the Future

Protein engineering is the design and construction of new proteins or
- November 20, 2022

What is factory farming?

Factory farming is a type of animal agriculture that involves the
- November 19, 2022


- Apps -
January 4, 2023

Atablet is a portable device that typically has a touchscreen display and is larger than a smartphone but smaller than a laptop. It is designed to be held in the hand or placed on a flat surface and is often used for tasks such as web browsing, email, social media, gaming, and multimedia consumption. Some tablets also have the ability to make phone calls and send texts, although they are not as well-suited for these tasks as smartphones.

Tablets are powered by a variety of operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows. They are available in a range of sizes, from small, 7-inch models to larger, 12-inch models, and come with different levels of processing power, memory, and storage. Some tablets have the ability to connect to cellular networks, while others are Wi-Fi only.



What is Social Trading

Social trading is a type of investment platform that allows investors
- January 3, 2023

Exploring F-Droid: A Google Play Store

F-Droid is an open-source app store for Android devices. It features
- December 21, 2022